An initiative of
The Cocoa & Forests Initiative is currently implemented in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, which produce approximately 60% of the world’s annual supply of cocoa, and Colombia, where cocoa is being seen as an opportunity to support the peace process.
The Initiative, launched in 2017, is chaired by the governments of Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Colombia, and is facilitated by IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative and the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF). The Cocoa & Forest Initiative is generously supported by P4F , BUZA, Danida and SECO.
Overview of the commitments and action plans
The cocoa and chocolate sector commitment is captured in the Cocoa & Forests Initiative Collective Statement of Intent. Launched on March 2017 by the Prince of Wales, it has now been signed by 35 companies committing to “working together, pre-competitively, to end deforestation and forest degradation in the cocoa supply chain, with an initial focus on Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire”.
Following the Statement of Intent, Frameworks for Action have been signed by government and leading chocolate and cocoa companies in Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Colombia. These Frameworks focus on:
- Conservation of National Parks and forested land, as well as restoration of forests that have been degraded by cocoa farm encroachment.
- Sustainable intensification and diversification of income in order to increase farmers’ yields and livelihood, to grow “more cocoa on less land” and thereby reduce pressure on forests.
- Engagement and empowerment of cocoa-growing communities. In particular mitigation of the social impacts and risks of land-use changes on affected cocoa farmers and their communities.
In Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, these Frameworks for Action have been translated into National Implementation Plans. The first phase ran from 2018-2021 based on specified timelines, roles and responsibilities, monitoring and evaluation, and governance. The implementation plans for the second phase, from 2022-2025 have also been shaped by public, private and civil society stakeholders, through a series of strategic and technical discussions.
On March 2019, thirty-three company signatories, accounting for about 85% of global cocoa usage, released detailed individual action plans for the first phase of CFI. The plans for the second phase, which spell out the specific actions each company will take in 2023-2025, to deliver on their commitments set out in the Frameworks for Action, are currently under development. Each company action plan is aligned to the National Implementation Plans.
Frameworks for Action
Collective Statement of Intent (2017)
Framework for Action – Ghana (2017): English
Framework for Action – Côte d’Ivoire (2017): English/ French
Framework for Action – Colombia (2017): English / Spanish
CFI Phase I
National Implementation Plan Côte d’Ivoire (2018): English / French
National Implementation Plan – Ghana (2018): English
Company Aggregated Action Plans – Côte d’Ivoire (2019): English / French
Company Aggregated Action Plans – Ghana (2019)
CFI Phase II
National Implementation Plan – Ghana (2022): English
Action Plan – Côte d’Ivoire (2022) : English / French
Progress reports
CFI Progress Report Ghana (2021): English
CFI Progress Report Ghana (2022): English
CFI Progress Report Côte d’Ivoire (2021): English / French
CFI Progress Report Côte d’Ivoire (2022): English / French

Cocoa & Forests Initiative at a glance
The two governments and 36 companies have committed themselves to eight core commitments of CFI. Read this pamphlet to better understand what this means and what progress has been made so far.
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