78 results found

  • Tea supply chain collaboration continues to show progress in Malawi

    Through efforts of the Malawi Tea 2020 programme, wages of tea workers have increased. The net living wage gap closed with 25%. This means that tea workers on tea plantations…

    Tea supply chain collaboration continues to show progress in Malawi
  • Why paying a living wage is good for both workers and business

    To get insight into why paying a living wage is good for both workers and business, we outline, in a new series of cases, the ins and…

    Why paying a living wage is good for both workers and business
  • Giving banana workers a decent standard of living

    IDH is working towards living wages in the banana sector, supporting specific interventions in Ghana and Ecuador and in Costa Rica and Belize. Employment in the export sector promises a…

    Giving banana workers a decent standard of living
  • Living Wages in the Banana sector

    Employment in the export sector promises a potential solution for poor working conditions and low wages. In many production countries, however, it is common that workers receive insufficient wages to…

    Living Wages in the Banana sector
  • Living wage: discussions with banana producers in Costa Rica

    With draft figures from the living wage benchmark study in Costa Rica now available, the IDH banana project has moved to the next step: calculating the current wages associated with…

    Living wage: discussions with banana producers in Costa Rica
  • Malawi Tea 2020 makes steady progress

    Good progress is seen around the activities of the Malawi Tea 2020 program, such as investments by estates, work around energy efficiency and environment and farmer field schools and Village…

    Malawi Tea 2020 makes steady progress
  • A living wage for Malawian tea workers comes one step closer

    IDH’s tea program in Malawi is one step closer to realize a living wage for Malawian tea workers. The living wage gap is closed by 20%. One year after starting…

    A living wage for Malawian tea workers comes one step closer
  • Tender Impact Evaluation 2013-2020

    In the period of 2016-2020, IDH will engage in 11 sectors with a focus on addressing deep impact issues (“high-hanging fruits”), such as deforestation, living wage, sexual harassment on crop…

    Tender Impact Evaluation 2013-2020